Pokemon Gold and Silver

I have yet to test all of these codes, though most I know do work.  Please let me know if any don't work for you.  I've gathered these codes from many places on the net.  I don't know who they originally were created by anymore... sorry if I'm using your work.

Some codes, may damage your game save. Use at your OWN RISK

Tip:  Turn switch off on Gameshark before saving, and don't turn it on until game has begun.

(Japanese version only)

Title of Cheat
Code #s
Any Pokemon you battle will have a shining status 01070BD1
Attack modifier - position 1 - slot 1 00**F2D9
Attack modifier - position 2 - slot 1 00**F3D9
Attack modifier - position 3 - slot 1 00**F4D9
Attack Modifier - position 4 - slot 1 00**F5D9
Catch any Pokemon 91**DFD0
Change the day of the week 01**D5D1
Change the time in hours 01**D6D1
Edit Pokemon's gender - slot 1 00**05DA
(00 female 01 male)
Edit Your Pokemon's level - slot 1 01**0FDA
Item modifier - total number of items 01**AAD5
Item modifier - slot 1 01**ABD5
Item modifier - slot 2 01**ADD5
Item modifier - slot 3 01**AFD5
Item modifier - slot 4 01**B1D5
Item modifier - slot 5 01**B3D5
Item modifier - slot 6 01**B5D5
Item modifier - slot 7 01**B7D5
Item modifier - slot 8 01**B9D5
Item modifier - slot 9 01**BBD5
Item modifier - slot 10 01**BDD5
Get all badges 01FF6FD5 
Modify Day & Night 9100D6D1 (Day) 
91E2D6D1 (Night)
Modify the level of the pokemon you battle 01**3AD0
No Random Battles 010065D5
Pokeball modifier - slot 1 01**F0D5
Shining Pokemon
(? I don't know what this one does...)
Unlimited items - slot 1 0163ACD5
Unlimited items - slot 2 0163AED5
Unlimited items - slot 3 0163B0D5
Unlimited items - slot 4 0163B2D5
Unlimited items - slot 5 0163B4D5
Unlimited items - slot 6 0163B6D5
Unlimited items - slot 7 0163B8D5
Unlimited items - slot 8 0163BAD5
Unlimited items - slot 9 0163BCD5
Unlimited items - slot 10 0163BED5
Unlimited money 010F66D5
Unlimited Pokeball - slot 1 0163F1D5
Unlimited TM - slot 1 01638FD5
TM Modifier - slot 1 01**8ED5
Day of Week Modifier
Code #s
Saturday 00
Sunday 01
Monday 02
Tuesday 03
Wednesday 04
Thursday 05
Friday 06
Time of Day Modifier
Code #s
 (00 -17)
Pokeball Modifier
Code #s
Masterball 01

Pokemon Level Modifier

Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code
1 01 21 15 41 29 61 3D 81 51
2 02 22 16 42 2A 62 3E 82 52
3 03 23 17 43 2B 63 3F 83 53
4 04 24 18 44 2C 64 40 84 54
5 05 25 19 45 2D 65 41 85 55
6 06 26 1A 46 2E 66 42 86 56
7 07 27 1B 47 2F 67 43 87 57
8 08 28 1C 48 30 68 44 88 58
9 09 29 1D 49 31 69 45 89 59
10 0A 30 1E 50 32 70 46 90 5A
11 0B 31 1F 51 33 71 47 91 5B
12 0C 32 20 52 34 72 48 92 5C
13 0D 33 21 53 35 73 49 93 5D
14 0E 34 22 54 36 74 4A 94 5E
15 0F 35 23 55 37 75 4B 95 5F
16 10 36 24 56 38 76 4C 96 60
17 11 37 25 57 39 77 4D 97 61
18 12 38 26 58 3A 78 4E 98 62
19 13 39 27 59 3B 79 4F 99 63
20 14 40 28 60 3C 80 50 100 64

Pokemon Modifier #s

Pokemon Code Pokemon Code Pokemon Code Pokemon Code
1 - Fushigidane 01 64 - Yungerar 40 127 - Kairos 7F 190 - Eipamu BE
2 - Fushigisou 02 65 - Houdin 41 128 - Kentauros 80 191 - Himanuts BF
3 - Fushigibana 03 66 - Wanrikki 42 129 - Koiking 81 192 - Kimawari C0
4 - Hitokage 04 67 - Golrikki 43 130 - Gyarados 82 193 - Yanyanma C1
5 - Lizardo 05 68 - Kairikki 44 131 - Lapras 83 194 - Upaa C2
6 - Lizardon 06 69 - Madatsubomi 45 132 - Metamon 84 195 - Nuou C3
7 - Zenigame 07 70 - Utsudon 46 133 - Iibui 85 196 - Eefui C4
8 - Kamel 08 71 - Utsubot 47 134 - Showers 86 197 - Blackie C5
9 - Kamex 09 72 - Menokurage 48 135 - Thunders 87 198 - Yamiarasu C6
10 - Caterpii 0A 73 - Dokukurage 49 136 - Booster 88 199 - Yadoking C7
11 - Transel 0B 74 - Ishitsubute 4A 137 - Porygon 89 200 - Muuma C8
12 - Butterfree 0C 75 - Goron 4B 138 - Omanite 8A 201 - Unknown C9
13 - Beedle 0D 76 - Goronya 4C 139 - Omastar 8B 202 - Sonaansu CA
14 - Cocoon 0E 77 - Ponita 4D 140 - Kabuto 8C 203 - Kirinrikki CB
15 - Spear 0F 78 - Gallop 4E 141 - Kabutops 8D 204 - Kunugidama CC
16 - Poppo 10 79 - Yadon 4F 142 - Ptera 8E 205 - Foretosu CD
17 - Pigeon 11 80 - Yadoran 50 143 - Kabigon 8F 206 - Nokocchi CE
18 - Pidgeot 12 81 - Coil 51 144 - Freezer 90 207 - Guraiga CF
19 - Koratta 13 82 - Rarecoil 52 145 - Thunder 91 208 - Haganeru D0
20 - Ratta 14 83 - Kamonegi 53 146 - Fire 92 209 - Buru D1
21 - Onisuzume 15 84 - Doduo 54 147 - Miniryu 93 210 - Granburu D2
22 - Onidrill 16 85 - Dodrio 55 148 - Hakuryu 94 211 - Harisen D3
23 - Aabo 17 86 - Powwow 56 149 - Kairyu 95 212 - Hassamu D4
24 - Arbok 18 87 - Jugon 57 150 - Mewtwo 96 213 - Tsubotsubo D5
25 - Pikachu 19 88 - Betobetar 58 151 - Mew 97 214 - Herakurosu D6
26 - Raichu 1A 89 - Betobeton 59 152 - Chikorita 98 215 - Nyuura D7
27 - Sando 1B 90 - Shelldar 5A 153 - Bayleaf 99 216 - Himeguma D8
28 - Sandopan 1C 91 - Palshen 5B 154 - Meganium 9A 217 - Ringuma D9
29 - Nidoran (f) 1D 92 - Ghos 5C 155 - Hinoarashi 9B 218 - Magmag DA
30 - Nidorina 1E 93 - Ghost 5D 156 - Magmarashi 9C 219 - Magcargo DB
31 - Nidoqueen 1F 94 - Gengar 5E 157 - Bakufuun 9D 220 - Urimu DC
32 - Nidoran (m) 20 95 - Iwaaku 5F 158 - Waninoko 9E 221 - Inomu DD
33 - Nidorino 21 96 - Sleep 60 159 - Aligates 9F 222 - Sanigo DE
34 - Nidoking 22 97 - Sleeper 61 160 - Oodile A0 223 - Teppopuo DF
35 - Pippi 23 98 - Krab 62 161 - Otachi A1 224 - Okutan E0
36 - Pixy 24 99 - Kingler 63 162 - Ootachi A2 225 - Delibird E1
37 - Rokon 25 100 - Biriridama 64 163 - Hoohoo A3 226 - Maintain E2
38 - Kyuukon 26 101 - Marumine 65 164 - Yorunozuku A4 227 - Eamudo E3
39 - Purin 27 102 - Tamatama 66 165 - Ladiba A5 228 - Derubiru E4
40 - Pukurin 28 103 - Nasshii 67 166 - Ladian A6 229 - Hellgar E5
41 - Zubat 29 104 - Karakara 68 167 - Itomaru A7 230 - Kingdra E6
42 - Golbat 2A 105 - Garagara 69 168 - Ariados A8 231 - Gomazou E7
43 - Nazonokusa 2B 106 - Sawamurar 6A 169 - Kurobat A9 232 - Donfan E8
44 - Kusaihana 2C 107 - Ebiwalar 6B 170 - Choncchi AA 233 - Porygon2 E9
45 - Refresher 2D 108 - Beroringer 6C 171 - Lantern AB 234 - Odoshishi EA
46 - Paras 2E 109 - Dogaasu 6D 172 - Pichu AC 235 - Doburu EB
47 - Parasect 2F 110 - Matadogaasu 6E 173 - Pi AD 236 - Baruki EC
48 - Konpan 30 111 - Saihorn 6F 174 - Pupurin AE 237 - Kapoera ED
49 - Molfuon 31 112 - Saidon
175 - Togepi AF 238 - Muchura EE
50 - Digda 32 113 - Lucky 71 176 - Togechick B0 239 - Elekid EF
51 - Dugtrio 33 114 - Monjara 72 177 - Neitei B1 240 - Buubi F0
52 - Nyaasu 34 115 - Garoora 73 178 - Neiteio B2 241 - Milktank F1
53 - Persian 35 116 - Tattsu 74 179 - Mereep B3 242 - Happiness F2
54 - Koduck 36 117 - Seadra 75 180 - Mokoko B4 243 - Raikou F3
55 - Golduck 37 118 - Tosakinto 76 181 - Denryu B5 244 - Entei F4
56 - Mankey 38 119 - Azumaou 77 182 - Kireihana B6 245 - Suikun F5
57 - Okorizaru 39 120 - Hitodeman 78 183 - Mariru B7 246 - Yogirasu F6
58 - Gaurdy 3A 121 - Starmi 79 184 - Mariruri B8 247 - Sanagirasu F7
59 - Windy 3B 122 - Bariardo 7A 185 - Usokki B9 248 - Bangirasu F8
60 - Nyoromo 3C 123 - Strike 7B 186 - Nyorotono BA 249 - Lugia F9
61 - Nyorozo 3D 124 - Rougela 7C 187 - Hanekko BB 250 - Houou FA
62 - Nyorobon 3E 125 - Erebu 7D 188 - Popokko BC 251 - Serebii FB
63 - Keeshi 3F 126 - Buubar 7E 189 - Watakko BD

Item Modifier #s

Item Code Item Code Item Code
Master Ball 01 Red Banguri 55 Taiyounaishi A9
Hyper Ball 02 Small Kinoko 56 Mizutama Ribon AA
Hikari no Kona 03 Big Kinoko 57 -- AB
Super Ball 04 Gin no Kona 58 Upgrade AC
Monster Ball 05 Blue Banguri 59 Nut AD
-- 06 -- 5A Ougon Nut (30 HP) AE
Bicycle 07 Protecting Coin 5B Zenigame Jouro AF
Moon Stone 08 Yellow Banguri 5C -- B0
Poison Heal 09 Green Banguri 5D Park Ball B1
Fire Heal 0A Kiyome no Ofuda 5E Rainbow Hane B2
Ice Heal 0B Shinpo no Shizuku 5F -- B3
Sleep Heal 0C Magatta Spoon 60 ? B4
Paralyze Heal 0D White Banguri 61 Kawara no kakeru B5
Full Restore 0E Kuro Obi 62 Naminori Mail (surf mail) B6
Max Potion 0F Black Banguri 63 Mizuiro Mail (bluegreen mail) B7
Hyper Potion 10 -- 64 Nigaoe Mail B8
Super Potion 11 Pink Banguri 65 Lovely Mail B9
Potion 12 Dark Glasses 66 Bye Bye Mail BA
Escape Rope 13 Oishii Shippo 67 Henshin Mail (transform mail) BB
Bug Spray (repel) 14 Pink Ribbon 68 Aozora mail (blue sky mail) BC
PP Max 15 Naganugi 69 Onpu Mail BD
Fire Stone 16 Kemori dama 6A Maboroshi Mail (rare mail) BE
Thunder Stone 17 Tokenai Koori 6B TM 1 BF
Water Stone 18 Jishaku 6C TM 2 C0
-- 19 Full healing nut 6D TM 3 C1
Max Up 1A Shinju 6E TM 4 C2
Taurin (protein) 1B Big Shinju 6F TM 4 C3
Bromuhekishin (iron) 1C Kawarazu Stone 70 TM 5 C4
Endometashin (calcium) 1D Noroi no Ofuda 71 TM 6 C5
Lucky Punch 1E Ikari Manjuu 72 TM 7 C6
Bizochiumu (carbos?) 1F -- 73 TM 8 C7
Rare Candy 20 -- 74 TM 9 C8
Yakuataaru (dire hit?) 21 Kiseki no Tane 75 TM 10 C9
Leaf Stone 22 Futoi Hone 76 TM 11 CA
Metal Powder 23 Kiai no Hachimaki 77 TM 12 CB
Nugget 24 -- 78 TM 13 CC
Pippi Doll 25 Chikara no Kona 79 TM 14 CD
Full Heal 26 Chikara no Nekko 7A TM 15 CE
Revive 27 Bannou Gona 7B TM 16 CF
Max Revive 28 Fukkatsusou 7C TM 17 D0
Effect Gaurd 29 Katai Stone 7D TM  18 D1
Silver Spray (super repel) 2A Happy Egg 7E TM 19 D2
Gold Spray (max repel) 2B Card Key 7F TM 20 D3
Kuritei Cutter 2C Kikai no Buhin 80 TM 21 D4
-- 2D -- 81 TM 22 D5
Delicious Water 2E Otoshimono 82 TM 23 D6
Psyco Soda 2F Hoshi no Sona 83 TM 24 D7
Mix Ore (lemonade) 30 Hoshi no Kakera 84 TM 25 D8
Plus Power 31 Chikai no Kagi 85 TM 26 D9
-- 32 Teikiken 86 TM 27 DA
Defender 33 -- 87 TM 28 DB
Speeder 34 -- 88 TM 28 DC
Special Up 35 -- 89 TM 29 DD
Coin Case 36 Makutan 8A TM 30 DE
Dowsing Machine (item finder) 37 Nut Juice 8B TM 31 DF
-- 38 Point Raise 8C TM 32 E0
Gakushuu Souchi 39 -- 8D TM 33 E1
Old Rod 3A -- 8E TM 34 E2
Good Rod 3B Metal Coat 8F TM 35 E3
Gin no Happa 3C Ryu no Koba 90 TM 36 E4
Super Rod 3D -- 91 TM 37 E5
Point Up 3E Tabenokeshi 92 TM 38 E6
PP Aid 3F -- 93 TM 39 E7
PP Recover 40 -- 94 TM 40 E8
PP Aider 41 -- 95 TM 41 E9
Red Uroko 42 Mysterious Nut 96 TM 42 EA
Hidden Potion 43 Ryu no Uroko 97 TM 43 EB
Old Ticket 44 Hakai no Idenshi 98 TM 44 EC
Mysterious Egg 45 -- 99 TM 45 ED
-- 46 -- 9A TM 46 EE
Gin no Hane 47 -- 9B TM 47 EF
Momo Milk 48 Seinaruhai 9C TM 48 F0
Sensei no Tsume 49 Heavy Ball 9D TM 49 F1
Poison healing nut 4A Hanagi Mail 9E TM 50 F2
Kin no Happa 4B Level Ball 9F HM 1 F3
Yawarakaisuna 4C Lure Ball A0 HM 2 F4
Surudai kuchibashi 4D Speed Ball A1 HM 3 F5
Paralyze healing nut 4E -- A2 HM 4 F6
Burn healing nut 4F Denki dama A3 HM 5 F7
Koottaki nut 50 Friend Ball A4 HM 6 F8
Dokubari 51 Moon Ball A5 HM 7 F9
Ouja no shirushi 52 Love Love Ball A6 HM 8 FA
Confusion healing nut 53 Ki no Hako A7 HM 9 FB
Sleep healing nut 54 Kiri no Hako A8 HM 10 FC

Pokemon Attacks Modifier (courtesy of http://come.to/pokegold/)

Name Code # Special Effect Damage Points Type Accuracy Power Points
Pound 01 Pounds at enemy 40 Normal 100% 35
Karate Chop 02 Karate Chops enemy 50 Fighting 100% 25
Doubleslap 03 Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 15 Normal 84.7% 10
Comet Punch 04 Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 18 Normal 84.7% 15
Mega Punch 05 One large puch 80 Normal 84.7% 20
Pay Day 06 receive extra money after the battle equal to 2*level of enemy+100 40 Normal 100% 20
Fire Punch 07 May burn enemy 75 Fire 100% 15
Ice Punch 08 May freeze enemy 75 Ice 100% 15
Thunderpunch 09 May paralyze enemy 75 Electric 100% 15
Scratch 0A Use those claws 40 Normal 100% 35
VIce Grip 0B Does a good amount of damage 55 Normal 100% 30
Guillotine 0C 1 hit KO --- Normal 29.8% 5
Razor Wind 0D Creates a whirlwind for the first turn, and attacks for the next 80 Normal 74.5% 10
Swords Dance 0E Greatly increases Attack --- Normal 100% 30
Cut 0F Cuts down bushes 50 Normal 94.9% 30
Gust 10 In gold/silver, 100% accurate attack 40 Flying(G/S)
100% 35
Wing Attack 11 More PP for the bang 60 Flying 100% 35
Whirlwind 12 In random battles, it whirlwinds away the pokemon. In trainer battles, it switches the enemy's pokemon --- Normal 100% 20
Fly 13 In battles, flies for 1 turn, and attacks for the next. Outside battle, it lets you fly to diffrent towns. 70 Flying 94.9% 15
Bind 14 Immobilize enemy for 2 to 5 turns 15 Normal 74.5% 20
Slam 15 Slams 80 Normal 74.5% 20
Vine Whip 16 The PP is not worth the Damage Point 35 Grass 100% 10
Stomp 17 Uses feet to stomp 65 Normal 100% 20
Double Kick 18 Kicks twIce 30 Fighting 100% 30
Mega Kick 19 Large Kick 120 Normal 74.5% 5
Jump Kick 1A If you miss, you receive 1/8 the damage the attack would have dealt 70 Fighting 94.9% 25
Rolling Kick 1B May cause enemy to flinch 60 Fighting 84.7% 15
Sand Attack 1C Lowers enemy's accuracy --- Ground 100% 15
Headbutt 1D May cause enemy to flinch 70 Normal 100% 15
Horn Attack 1E 1 large horn 65 Normal 100% 25
Fury Attack 1F Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 15 Normal 84.7% 20
Horn Drill 20 1 hit KO --- Normal 29.8% 5
Tackle 21 Tackles 35 Normal 94.9% 35
Body Slam 22 May paralyze enemy 85 Normal 100% 15
Wrap 23 Immobilize enemy for 2 to 5 turns 15 Normal 84.7% 20
Take Down 24 Receive 1/4 the damage the enemy receives 90 Normal 84.7% 20
Thrash 25 Attack 1-3 times in a row, after that, it confuses your monster 90 Normal 100% 20
Double-edge 26 Receive 1/4 the damage the enemy receives 120 Normal 100% 15
Tail Whip 27 Lowers enemy's defense --- Normal 100% 30
Poison Sting 28 May Poison enemy 15 Poison 100% 35
Twineedle 29 Attacks twIce, May Poison enemy enemy 25 Bug 100% 20
Pin Missile 2A Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 14 Bug 84.7% 20
Leer 2B Lowers enemy's defense --- Normal 100% 30
Bite 2C May cause enemy to flinch 60 evil 100% 25
Growl 2D Lowers enemy's attack --- Normal 100% 40
Roar 2E In random battles, scares away pokemon. In trainer battles, swithes enemy's pokemon --- Normal 100% 20
Sing 2F Puts enemy to sleep --- Normal 54.9% 15
Supersonic 30 Confuses enemy --- Normal 54.9% 20
Sonic Boom 31 Automatically decreases enemy's HP by 20 20 Normal 89.8% 20
Disable 32 Disables enemy's attack last used on you for multiple turns --- Normal 54.9% 20
Acid 33 May decrease enemy's defense 40 Poison 100% 30
Ember 34 May burn enemy 40 Fire 100% 25
Flamethrower 35 May burn enemy 95 Fire 100% 15
Mist 36 100% evade to status changing attacks --- Ice 100% 30
Water Gun 37 Little damage 40 Water 100% 25
Hydro Pump 38 Strongest Water type attack 120 Water 80% 5
Surf 39 Lets you surf on the Water 95 Water 100% 15
Ice Beam 3A May freeze enemy 95 Ice 100% 10
Blizzard 3B may freeze enemy 120 Ice 69.8% 5
Psybeam 3C May confuse enemy 65 Psychic 100% 20
Bubblebeam 3D Decreases enemy's speed 65 Water 100% 20
Aurora Beam 3E May decrease enemy's attack 65 Ice 100% 20
Hyper Beam 3F Large damage for the 1st turn, but recharges for the next turn 150 Normal 89.8% 5
Peck 40 Pecks with your pokemon's beak 35 Flying 100% 35
Drill Peck 41 Large damage. Beak Power! 80 Flying 100% 20
Submission 42 Receive 1/4 the damage the enemy receives 80 Fighting 80% 25
Low Kick 43 May cause enemy to flinch 50 Fighting 89.8% 20
Counter 44 Returns damage done to you 1 Fighting 100% 20
Seismic Toss 45 Decreases enemy's HP equal to your pokemon's level 1 Fighting 100% 20
Strength 46 Moves smooth boulders 80 Normal 100% 15
Absorb 47 Your pokémon absorbs hp equal to 1/2 the damage dealt 20 Grass 100% 20
Mega Drain 48 Your pokémon absorbs hp equal to 1/2 the damage dealt 40 Grass 100% 10
Leech Seed 49 Absorb some of enemy's HP every turn --- Grass 89.8% 10
Growth 4A Increases special --- Normal 100% 40
Razor Leaf 4B In Gold/Silver, there are now more than 3 leaves. Large probability for a critical hit 55 Grass 94.9% 25
Solar Beam 4C Chrges with sunlight for 1 turn, and unleashes it for the next 120 Grass 100% 10
Poison Powder 4D Poisons enemy --- Poison 74.5% 35
Stun Spore 4E Paralyzes enemy --- Grass 74.5% 30
Sleep Powder 4F Puts enemy to sleep --- Grass 74.5% 15
Petal Dance 50 Attacks 1-3 times in a row, then confuses your monster 70 Grass 100% 20
String Shot 51 Decreases enemy's speed --- Bug 94.9% 40
Dragon Rage 52 Automatically decreases enemy's HP by 40 40 Dragon 100% 10
Fire Spin 53 Attacks enemy for 2 to 5 turns 15 Fire 69.8% 15
Thundershock 54 May paralyze enemy 40 Electric 100% 30
Thunderbolt 55 May paralyze enemy 95 Electric 100% 15
Thunder Wave 56 Paralyzes enemy --- Electric 100% 20
Thunder 57 Strongest Electric type attack 120 Electric 69.8% 10
Rock Throw 58 Throws Rocks, what else? 50 Rock 89.8% 15
Earthquake 59 Shakes the Ground, what else? 100 Ground 100% 10
Fissure 5A 1 hit KO --- Ground 29.8% 5
Dig 5B In batles, digs for one turn, and attacks. Outside battle, it takes you to the cave entrance or the nearest Pokecenter 60 Ground 100% 10
Toxic 5C Damage from Poison doubles every turn --- Poison 84.7% 10
Confusion 5D May confuse enemy 50 Psychic 100% 25
Psychic 5E NOT the strongest Psychic attack 90 Psychic 100% 10
Hypnosis 5F Puts enemy to sleep --- Psychic 60% 20
Meditate 60 Increases attack --- Psychic 100% 40
Agility 61 Greatly increases speed --- Psychic 100% 30
Quick Attack 62 Always attack first 40 Normal 100% 30
Rage 63 Attack increases as you take damage 20 Normal 100% 20
Teleport 64 When used in random battles, gets you out of it. Outside of battle, it lets you teleport to the last pokecenter you've been --- Psychic 100% 20
Night Shade 65 Enemy's HP is decreased by the amount of your pokemon's level --- Ghost 100% 15
Mimic 66 Copy one of the enemy's moves during the battle --- Normal 100% 10
Screech 67 Greatly lowers enemy's defense --- Normal 84.7% 40
Double Team 68 Increases evade --- Normal 100% 15
Recover 69 Recover 1/2 of your HP --- Normal 100% 20
Harden 6A Increases defense --- Normal 100% 30
Minimize 6B Increases evade --- Normal 100% 20
Smokescreen 6C Lowers enemy's accuracy --- Normal 100% 20
Confuse Ray 6D Confuse enemy, and 100% accurate --- Ghost 100% 10
Withdraw 6E Increases defense --- Water 100% 40
Defense Curl 6F Increases Defense --- Normal 100% 40
Barrier 70 Increases Defense --- Psychic 100% 30
Light Screen 71 Cuts damage received by special attacks by 1/2 --- Psychic 100% 30
Haze 72 Removes all bad status on both monsters --- Ice 100% 30
Reflect 73 Cuts damage received by physical attacks by 1/2 --- Psychic 100% 20
Focus Energy 74 Increases chance for a critical hit (that means double the damage) --- Normal 100% 30
Bide 75 Lose 2 to 3 turns, then hit enemy for twice the damage received --- Normal 100% 10
Metronome 76 Random attack --- Normal 100% 10
Mirror Move 77 Use enemy's last attack on it --- Flying 100% 20
Selfdestruct 78 his pokemon will selfdestruct in 10 seconds...Boom! 200 Normal 100% 5
Egg Bomb 79 Does a large amount of damage. Too bad they give it away to Pokemon with a low attack rating 100 Normal 74.5% 10
Lick 7A May paralyze enemy 20 Ghost 100% 30
Smog 7B May Poison enemy 20 Poison 69.8% 20
Sludge 7C May Poison enemy 65 Poison 100% 20
Bone Club 7D May cause enemy to flinch 65 Ground 84.7% 20
Fire Blast 7E May burn enemy 120 Fire 84.7% 5
Waterfall 7F Promoted from being Goldeen/Seaking's attack to a HM. Lets you float on Waterfalls 80 Water 100% 15
Clamp 80 Immobilize enemy for 2 to 5 turns 35 Water 74.5% 10
Swift 81 100% accuracy 60 Normal 100% 20
Skull Bash 82 Lowers head for 1 turn, and bashes for the next turn 100 Normal 100% 15
Spike Cannon 83 Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 20 Normal 100% 15
Constrict 84 May decrease enemy's speed 10 Normal 100% 35
Amnesia 85 Greatly increase special attack and special defense --- Psychic 100% 20
Kinesis 86 Lowers enemy's accuracy --- Psychic 80% 15
Softboiled 87 Recover 1/2 of your HP --- Normal 100% 10
Hi Jump Kick 88 If you miss, you receive 1/8 the damage the attack would have dealt 85 Fighting 89.8% 20
Glare 89 Paralyzes enemy --- Normal 74.5% 30
Dream Eater 8A Guess what, this IS the strongest Psychic attack. Absorbs a sleeping enemy's HP 100 Psychic 100% 15
Poison Gas 8B Poisons enemy --- Poison 54.9% 40
Barrage 8C attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 15 Normal 84.7% 20
Leech Life 8D Your pokémon absorbs HP equal to 1/2 the damage dealt 20 Bug 100% 15
Lovely Kiss 8E Jynx's signature move. Did the enemy sleep because of infatuation, or fear? --- Normal 74.5% 10
Sky Attack 8F Charges for one turn, and major damage for the next 120 Flying 89.8% 5
Transform 90 Transform into a copy of the enemy. Diffrent color though --- Normal 100% 10
Bubble 91 Decreases enemy's speed 20 Water 100% 30
Dizzy Punch 92 Auto-confuses enemy 70 Normal 100% 10
Spore 93 Makes the enemy sleep --- Grass 100% 15
Flash 94 Lowers enemy's accuracy --- Normal 69.8% 20
Psywave 95 Random Damage, but cannot lower than 1HP --- Psychic 80% 15
Splash 96 The most worthless attack ever made by the designers of this game 0, what else? Normal 100% 40
Acid Armor 97 Increases defense --- Poison 100% 40
Crabhammer 98 Krabby/Kingler's signature attack 90 Water 84.7% 10
Explosion 99 Causes your own pokémon to faint, but a huge damage to enemy. The strongest attack in the game 250 Normal 100% 5
Fury Swipes 9A Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 18 Normal 80% 15
Bonemerang 9B Attacks twIce 50 Ground 89.8% 10
Rest 9C Recover HP, but becomes asleep for 3 turns --- Psychic 100% 10
Rock Slide 9D May cause enemy to flinch 75 Rock 89.8% 10
Hyper Fang 9E May cause enemy to flinch 80 Normal 89.8% 15
Sharpen 9F Increases attack --- Normal 100% 30
Conversion A0 Convert to enemy's type --- Normal 100% 30
Tri Attack A1 May either burn, paralyze, or freeze 80 Normal 100% 10
Super Fang A2 Enemy's HP divided by 2 --- Normal 89.8% 10
Slash A3 Large probability for a critical hit 70 Normal 100% 20
Substitute A4 Creates a doll which takes the damage for you --- Normal 100% 10
Wicked Mischief A5 Receive 1/4 the damage the enemy receives 50 Normal 100% 1
Sketch A6 Copies the attack last used on you, and it becomes a permanent attack --- Normal 100% 1
Triple Kick A7 Kicks three times, what do you think? 10 Fighting 89.8% 10
Theft A8 Throws a bag at the enemy (stolen goods, maybe) 40 Evil 100% 10
Spider Web A9 Blocks Running/Switching --- Bug 100% 10
Awareness AA 100% accuracy --- Normal 100% 5
Nightmare AB Only takes effect while sleeping. Evry turn, enemy loses 1/4 of its HP --- Ghost 100% 15
Master Flame AC Miniature version of Southern Blaze 60 Fire 100% 25
Snore AD Attack only while sleeping 40 Normal 100% 15
Curse/Slow AE Curse part: Only applicable for Ghosts. Does 50% damage to self, but every turn, enemy loses 1/4 of its HP
Slow part: Does not apply to those mentioned above. SacrifIces speed for attack and defense
--- Normal 100% 10
Struggle AF Wonder why no damage to self... --- Normal 100% 15
Texture 2 B0 Develop resistance to the type of attack last used on you --- Normal 100% 30
Aero Blast B1 Lugia's signature attack 100 Flying 94.9% 5
Cotton Spore B2 Greatly lowers enemy's speed --- Grass 84.7% 40
Resurrection B3 Powerful kick --- Fighting 100% 15
Grudge B4 Decrease the PP of the last attacked used by enemy --- Ghost 100% 10
Snow Powder B5 May freeze enemy 40 Ice 100% 25
Defense B6 100% evade from enemy --- Normal 100% 10
Mahha Punch B7 Fighting version of Quick Attack 40 Fighting 100% 30
Eerie Face B8 Lowers special defense --- Normal 89.8% 10
Trickery B9 100% accuracy 60 Evil 100% 20
Angel Kiss BA Confuse enemy --- Normal 74.5% 10
Heart Song BB Exchanges health for attack --- Normal 100% 10
Sludge Bomb BC Automatically Poisons enemy 90 Poison 100% 10
Mud Shadow BD Sand attack with a damage 20 Ground 100% 10
Octan Cannon BE Bombs away!!! 65 Water 84.7% 10
Mud Spikes BF Damage dealt when enemy switches pokemon, except for fliyng types --- Ground 100% 20
Electric Gun C0 Automatically paralyzes enemy 100 Electric 49.8% 5
See through one's thoughts C1 Increases evade --- Normal 100% 40
Fellow Traveler C2 I die, I take you with me. --- Ghost 100% 5
Horrible Note C3 If both Pokemon are still alive after 3 turns, they are both KO'd --- Normal 100% 5
Freezing Wind C4 Decrease enemy's speed 55 Ice 94.9% 15
Abandon C5 100% evade from enemy's attack --- Fighting 100% 5
Bone Lash C6 Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row 25 Ground 80% 10
Lock On C7 100% accuracy for the next attack --- Normal 100% 5
Imperial Wrath C8 May attack for 1 to 3 times in a row, after that, your pokemon will be confused 90 Dragon 100% 15
Sandstorm C9 Harms you and enemy for multiple turns, except for Rock, Ground, and steel types --- Rock 100% 10
Giga Drain CA Your Pokémon absorbs HP equal to 1/2 the damage done 60 Grass 100% 5
Endure CB No matter how large the damage the enemy does, at least 1 HP will remain. Good only for 1 turn --- Normal 100% 10
Behave Like A Spoiled Child CC Greatly decreases attack of enemy --- Normal 100% 20
Roll CD Each turn damage doubles 30 Rock 89.8% 20
Reversed-edged sword CE Cannot kill a Pokemon (as in the RK series, a reversed-edged sword cannot kill) 40 Normal 100% 40
Boast CF Confuses enemy and raises attack --- Normal 89.8% 15
Fruit Milk D0 Recovers HP --- Normal 100% 10
Spark D1 May paralyze enemy. Moderate damage 65 Electric 100% 20
Continuos Cut D2 Each time the attack is used, damage doubles 10 Bug 94.9% 20
Steel Wing D3 Large Damage. Eaamudo's signature move. 70 Steel 89.8% 25
Black gaze D4 Prevents Running/Switching --- Normal 100% 5
Mellow D5 Charms Pokémon of opposite gender into not attacking --- Normal 100% 15
Sleep Talk D6 Random attack (kinda like metronome) --- Normal 100% 10
Ringing Bell D7 Removes all bad status except for sleep --- Normal 100% 5
Returning a Favor D8 Does a good amount of damage --- Normal 100% 20
Present D9 May either damage or heal enemy. Deribado's signature move. --- Normal 89.8% 15
Outburst of Anger DA Auto damage of 10HP to enemy --- Normal 100% 20
Mysterious Protection DB 100% evade from status changing attacks (Poison powder, spore, tunderwave, etc.) --- Normal 100% 25
Share Pain DC Averages the HP of you and your enemy (to account for Muuma's low HP) --- Normal 100% 20
Southern Blaze DD Houou's signature move 100 Fire 94.9% 5
Magnitude DE Damage may vary from 1 to 10 times --- Ground 100% 30
Exploding Punch DF Automatically confuses enemy 100 Fighting 49.8% 5
Mega Horn E0 Large Damage. The strongest Bug type attack and Herakurasu's signature move. 120 Bug 84.7% 10
Dragon's Breath E1 May paralyze enemy 60 Dragon 100% 20
Baton Touch E2 Switch your Pokemon --- Normal 100% 40
Encore E3 Repeat last attack used. Only useful for Ghosts with curse or Normals with heart song --- Normal 100% 5
Final Blow E4 Attacks even if the enemy is about to switch or run away 40 Evil 100% 20
Light Spin E5 More on quantity than quality 20 Normal 100% 40
Sweet Fragrance E6 Convert's to enemy's type --- Normal 100% 20
Iron Tail E7 may decrease enemy's defense 100 Steel 74.5% 15
Metal Claw E8 Hassamu's signature attack 50 Steel 94.9% 35
Expected Suicide E9 100% accurate attack 70 Fighting 100% 10
Morning Sunlight EA Heals 50% --- Normal 100% 5
Photosynthesis EB Heals 25% --- Grass 100% 5
Lucky Light EC Heals 25% --- Normal 100% 5
Awakening Power ED Can take on the form of Fighting, Grass, Bug, or Ground type attack depending on your pokemon's primary type --- Normal 100% 15
Cross Chop EE A very strong Fighting type attack 100 Fighting 80% 5
Tornado EF 100% accuracy 40 Dragon 100% 20
Rain Prayer F0 Doubles damage of Water type attacks, and halves the damage of Fire type attacks. --- Water 89.8% 5
Sunny Weather F1 Doubles damage of Fire type attacks, and halves the damage of Water type attacks. --- Fire 89.8% 5
Crunch F2 Strongest evil type attack. may flinch enemy 80 Evil 100% 15
Mirror Coat F3 Light Screen with matching damage to enemy --- Psychic 100% 20
Self Suggestion F4 Damage to you is considered as damage to enemy --- Normal 100% 10
Quick Slash F5 Arcanine's signature move 80 Normal 100% 5
Atomic Force F6 Strongest Rock type attack 60 Rock 100% 5
Shadow Ball F7 Strongest Ghost type attack 80 Ghost 100% 15
Fortune Telling F8 Wait three turns, and large damage 80 Psychic 89.8% 15
Rock Smasher F9 If used outside of battle, it breaks the cracked rocks. May decrease enemy's defense. 20 Fighting 100% 15
Whirpool FA attacks enemy for 2 to 5 turns 15 Water 69.8% 15
Gang Beating FB Additional damage for every pokemon in your team.(Wigglytuff TCG rip-off) 10 Evil 100% 10